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Re: Which White?

To: "Patton Dickson" <57healey@gmail.com>,
Subject: Re: Which White?
From: "John Snyder" <helyjohn@cablespeed.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 18:50:38 -0800
Going back to the records from my restoration of a BN7 MK2, 3 years ago, and 
discussions w/ a Martin Senour rep, their data base says MS #20024 is an 
exact match.
Also, a VERY close match (confirmed by a paint sample matched to the inside 
of the blanking plate for the right side master cylinders) is 1986 Ford 
truck Wimbledon White.

I recently did a match w/ a blanking plate from my other Ivory White  BN7 
MK2, to the previously restored car, and the color looks just right.

John Snyder

> My question concerns the Ivory White.  Pale Ivory (ICI 3487) is yellowish, 
> and thier are two different Old English Whites (ICI 2122 & ICI 2379). 
> Which one is Ivory White?

> Thanks
> Patton

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