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To: "Freese, Ken" <Ken.Freese@Aerojet.com>
Subject: Registers
From: John Harper <AH@jharper.demon.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 09:21:44 +0000
A lot has been said recently in support of Marque Registers. I would, if 
I may, like to add a few additional points. Steve Byers and others have 
already made many of the points in support of Registers and these I 
fully endorse.

Over the last ten years or so I have been contacted by the British 
Police on three occasions. In all cases I have been able to provide what 
I assume to be useful information. The Police would not say much but it 
was clear from their questions that they were investigating theft or 
fraud offences. Although we do not know how we were helping, we like to 
feel that we were providing a public service.

The UK 100 Register does not put any special effort into collecting 
information on 100Ss. We leave this to Ken who specialises. However we 
have played our part in helping prospective purchasers here in the UK to 
be aware that a car may be suspect. I find that it is not necessary to 
say that a car is 'dodgy' particularly as it might be genuine. All one 
has to do is to make suggestions as to what questions to ask and to 
point out 'irregularities' such as a car being offered for sale and on 
view both sides of the Atlantic at the same time. The prospective 
purchaser soon gets the message.

We also often help, up to a point, where we have a genuine sale about to 
take place. Typically a prospective purchaser will contact me and ask if 
I know about a car. We cannot give out details but we can verify 
historic information even about previous owners if this provided by the 
purchaser in the first place. If I feel that information is being 
requested that I should not divulge I will occasionally contact the 
current owner. We rarely comment on the condition or value of a car but 
can provide confidence that it has been known for some time and that the 
ownership is likely to be sound.

As somebody said recently; sending information about your car to a 
Register may not help you specifically but it may well help others and 
the general Austin-Healey movement so please keep the information 

All the best

John Harper

AHC UK 100 Register Secretary

>Actually, the 100S Registry on line probably contributed to the 100S fraud.
>The particular sn was listed as lost so the fake maker used it in his car
>construction. This is conjecture on my part. I am not going to take the
>Registry off line, though.
>Ken Freese
>100S Registrar
>Your messages not reaching the list?
>Check out http://www.team.net/posting.html

John Harper

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