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Re: Newbee

To: "Steven C. Zabel" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Newbee
From: "Neil Cotty" <>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 16:10:41 +1000

> slight that it just feels like small bumps in the road (gotta love that
> suspension), and sometimes bad enough that it feels like a serious case
> of hiccups.  I'm pretty sure that it's missing - the <putt-putt- *

Could be the ground wire in the distributor. These little things fray, break
etc. If you take the dist. cap off  theres a tiny wire thats permanently
attached to the plate and runs to the outside of the distributor. If it
looks dodgy replace. I know thats correct for a 25D4 know idea about the
45... Sorry..


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