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Re: New guy on the list

To: Larry Daniels <>, MonteMorris <>,
Subject: Re: New guy on the list
From: "Paul M." <>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 06:22:44 -0800 (PST)
--- Larry Daniels <> wrote:
> A friend in the local Porsche 
> club assured me that they weren't that way, so I
> joined.  Big Mistake.  They
> were worse than the Vette guys.

Yeah, as much as I'd love to come to the aid of the
Porsche guys, this is a pretty accurate comment.  I'm
an active member of the Porsche Club as well as all
the various clubs that relate to my MGB, and the
English car guys really are a heck of a lot nicer and
more approachable.

Then again, the Porsche guys don't have to be as
tight-knit.  Their cars always run right!  :)

Paul Misencik - 1971 MGB -

A vintage driving event in the spirit
of the Mille Miglia, Rallye des Alpes,
and Colorado Grand.
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