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Re: New guy on the list

To: "Paul M." <>, "Larry Daniels"
Subject: Re: New guy on the list
From: "Rick Lindsay" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:19:05 -0500
> Then again, the Porsche guys don't have to be as
> tight-knit.  Their cars always run right!  :)

LOL!  Good observation.  Same with the BMWs.
People just don't understand.  My neighbors can't
fathom why I don't own a Lexus like God intended.
They have even said as much.  Their evidence is
that I am out there in the garage working on my
cars ALL THE TIME where if I had a Lexus I could
be out playing GOLF!  I truly believe that it is
not in their capacity to understand that I WANT
to be in the garage playing with my cars and that
I don't HAVE to be in the garage.  My cars run
great ...and I love tinkering with them.  Golf?
That's a Volkswagon, right?



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