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[Mgs] Advice wanted on MGB Brake Master Cylinder

Subject: [Mgs] Advice wanted on MGB Brake Master Cylinder
From: The Roxter <>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 15:51:17 -0500
My Victor uses an MGB Brake Master Cylinder, the kind with the big 
cylindrical reservoir that leans forward, with the big round cap.

I sent it off to be reconditioned around four months ago, but it was 
returned finally last week with no work done. I'm pretty sure they 
didn't know how to get it apart.

I'm trying to do it myself now, but have run into a snag.

I got the spring clip off the actuator rod, then got the inner spring 
clip off easily.

The washer that the inner spring clip goes on top of is stuck in the 
bore. The actuator rod is moving easily, so I have tried to use its 
spring pressure to move the washer out, by pushing the rod all the way 
in and then releasing it so it hits the washer. I also tried banging the 
open end of the cylinder on a hardwood board, which compresses the 
spring on the actuator rod, hoping the weight of the assembly would move 
the washer out the bore, but it has not budged. I also tried tapping 
around the washer, hoping this might loosen its grip on the bore, but 
this didn't help either.

I'm heading for the parts store to get a spray can of Liquid Wrench, 
hoping that soaking the area of the washer overnight might help to 
loosen it.

The washer is stuck where it started, right below the groove where the inner 
spring washer rests.

Any suggestions or magic tricks, guys?
-The Roxter

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