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Re: Introductions

Subject: Re: Introductions
From: "Kit Hildreth" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 10:14:01 PST

From: "F Kuzyk" <>
To: "Kit Hildreth" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Introductions
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 16:21:18 -0500

Welcome Kit,
I trust that your car is not TOTALLY illegal in Soggy British Columbia?
I take it that "Smogmogger" has something to do with L.A.,
and nothing to do with "Snobmogger" (which I have heard of)?

Fred Kuzyk
MSCCC Webmaster
Visit the Morgan Sports Car Club of Canada Web site at:
Thank you Fred,
I'm not altogether sure about BC. Suffice to say the Canadian 
authorities allowed me to register "MOGS" and did not threaten to break 
it up, unlike the NTSA-colonial scum! No names, no pack drill! 
Smogmogger actually refers to the members of the London(UK) branch of 
the MSCC of which I was a member. Does the MSCCC have a badge I can 
plonk on my Badgebar-should nestle nicely between the antique AA and 
MSCC badges and cause even more overheating on my trips back to the SMOG 
state?! I shall be checking in at your site and when I come up in the 
summer perhaps a noggin or two, three, four etc, would be in order with 
Vancouver members?
Carry on Moggin' regardless,

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