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RE: [oletrucks] woops - I sanded the windshield glass

To: "Old-Chevy-Truck \(E-mail\)" <old-chevy-truck@yahoogroups.com>,
Subject: RE: [oletrucks] woops - I sanded the windshield glass
From: "Mike " <passnb4u@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 17:22:44 -0700
----- Original Message ----- 

From: Jim House  

To: Oletrucks \(E-mail\) ;Old-Chevy-Truck 

Sent: 6/5/01 2:36:05 PM 

Subject: [oletrucks] woops - I sanded the 
windshield glass

Well in another famous what can I do in an hour - I decided to sand 

paint the crank out windshield in the 46.  I did not mask off or 
tape - just

fired up the sander and went after the rusty medal.  Well not 
thinking the

spinning pad touched the glass (in 2 spots) and now the glass has a 

scratches in it.  I was using 150 grit paper.  Before I 
go to far, it was

masked primed then painted and came out great.  On the down side 
the paint

faded from last year, so maybe I need to repaint the whole thing (another 

cans or Rustoloum).  This is all just a temp cover until I can do 

correctly (est. 2003).


Back to the question.  Is there a rubbing compound or something I 
can use to

get the scratches out of the glass?  Once again I am learning on 
the job.




46 Chevy 3104






  There are somethings available...my neghbor used to have a 
"windshield repair kit" he got from JC Whitney, he used to take a few trips a 
year to Wyoming (from Ca.) and his windshield would get sand blasted along the 


  He'd come home home and spend a hour or so buffing the windshield 
with this stuff, and I'll be darned if the pits were gone, in the spots 
where he spent a lot of time on them, you could see a little haze, but it sure 
was better than what he started off with.



--- Mike 

--- passnb4u@earthlink.net 
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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