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Re: New to list

To: Metallian6@aol.com
Subject: Re: New to list
From: examiner@scci.net
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 17:59:35 -0400

Metallian6@aol.com wrote:

> Hi list. I am new to the spitfire list. I used to own a '79 Spitfire and am
> looking for another in the north Florida area. Hope to find one soon.
> James

Sorry, that was a '77 Spit........not '70
Bob Norway
Rockledge, Florida
Home Page http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/5953/mypage.html
ICQ# 3752712
TLCB - Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Brotherhood
Udorn RTAFB Nov'70 - Nov'71
432 AMS/Autopilot
Member Udorn VFW Post 10249
Sawadee Home Page http://www.khonkaen.com/vfw/index.htm
1976 Triumph Spitfire 1500
FM43376UO - Daily Driver
"Don't Take My Pint Mate,
I'm In The Loo!"

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