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Re: Clutch release bearing

To: Valentine <valntine@postoffice.ptd.net>
Subject: Re: Clutch release bearing
From: Frank Clarici <spritenut@Exit109.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 18:12:47 -0400
Cc: Dave Woerpel <dwoerpel@wi.net>, spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Positive Earth Drivers Club
References: <358E91AE.7CC2@postoffice.ptd.net> <358EB70B.8DAE7349@wi.net> <358EE997.87C94F30@exit109.com> <358F2B65.3F3D@postoffice.ptd.net>
Reply-to: Frank Clarici <spritenut@Exit109.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Valentine wrote:
> The clutch release bearing has gone south on the 74.  A short squeal and
> then the clutch no longer engages.....or only engages about half way.
> Question - Did I read something about an upgrade for this release
> bearing, and if so, what are the particulars and where do I get the
> part???
> Respectfully,
> Kevin Valentine
> 74 Midget (that wants to keep moving ALL the time......)
> PS: This happened during Lucas' very first ride in the car.....looks
> like he has the right name!


Are you sure it is the release bearing?
It could also be a whimpy slave cylinder.
It is time to rebuild the slave anyway.
A sure fire test would be to pump the clutch pedal a few times and see
if there is any difference in the "feel" of the pedal.
If not, the release bearing probably went south. 
How come parts never go "North?"
I never tried the roller bearing. I beleive Mini Mania sells them.

Good luck

Frank Clarici                         Toms River, NJ
Too many LBCs
3 Sprites, an Austin A40, and an Austin Mini all on the road.
1 Jaguar XJ6 family car,  1 Racer Midget project , &  2 Parts Spridgets
Check out my home page at           http://www.exit109.com/~spritenut

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