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Re: A visit to AH Spares

To: "David Lieb" <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com>,
Subject: Re: A visit to AH Spares
From: Jeff Boatright <jboatri@emory.edu>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 13:04:28 -0400
The slip of paper does not. The fact that the bag was opened and 
inspected might. The slip of paper is put in the bag by the inspector 
to communicate to the bag's owner that someone other than the owner 
has rifled through it.

It's one of the very, very few things about security that makes sense 
to me. X-ray each bag, if suspicious, open and inspect.

At 11:08 AM -0500 6/14/06, David Lieb wrote:
>Please explain to us exactly HOW a slip of paper in each bag made 
>the aircraft any safer.


Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
Associate Professor, Emory Eye Center, Atlanta, GA, USA
Senior Editor, Molecular Vision, http://www.molvis.org/molvis

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