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Re: Re[2]: Not LBC related sound file grownups can't hear but

To: Bill L <pythias@pacifier.com>,
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Not LBC related sound file grownups can't hear but
From: Ron Soave <soavero@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 19:53:57 -0700 (PDT)
--- Bill L <pythias@pacifier.com> wrote:
>           these tones... NO musical instrument will
> make them.. UNLESS
>           you were parked in front of a BIG
> amplifier that was FILLED

I've seen the Ramones many times, but once it was in a
room that was maybe 50 square feet larger than the
living room in my house.  The sound pressure felt like
it was moving my chest cavity (but then the Ramones
pretty much always did that), I can only imagine what
my ears were doing.  If it didn't damage my hearing
forever, nothing will.

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