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Re: Elmo lives...

To: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Subject: Re: Elmo lives...
From: Paul Fitzsimmons <>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 10:34:12 -0500
I saw Eddie Haskel at the British Car Show in Chicago weekend before last and he
said he was coming to ELVF.  Bring on the PBR!

Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:

> Thickos, one and all...
> A few choice words got the Minister of Food and Beverage off his dead ass
> and plans for the upcoming TT Village Bash at RA are coming together quite
> nicely, thank you.
> A request has been forwarded to George (more meds please) Bruggentheis
> requesting reserved pit space... but that will likely happen right after
> monkees fly out of my ass...
> I think I've been a little too active with the "early, can't wait for the
> fucking race" car prep, as the area of my hernia repair in June is a bit
> tender today. Hopefully I'm not returning to "goiter boy" status...
> There have been some questions regarding music at TT Village. You are
> encouraged  to bring CDs of your favorite pre-recorded music, as well as
> "yer axe" if ya got one. We usually have  a PA set up if the massive throng
> of gravy slurping Thickos are up for a song or two. Late in the evening, we
> usually retire to an accoustic set around a campfire.
> I'm really likin' the attitude of ol' Uncle Jack Drews... bout time someone
> besides me was talkin' out of their cocky ass. Of course, Gary, (Black Bart,
> the AARP Old Fart) Speckman is constantly talking out of his... but this is
> mainly due to a steady diet of beer, brats, and cheese, don't you know.
> The "Goose" isn't running this weekend... I hear he'll be opening a can at
> Road Atlanta. Roger "LF" Heil has some lame excuse about 6 quarts of oil at
> Grattan... so we'll be without his beaming face. Gary "Grenade" Kropf
> shotgunned a brand new motor... hey Black Bart, don't you have a "Cheatin'
> Dog" motor you can lend him? We haven't heard from Craig "Eddie Haskel"
> Bileat... anyone know if the Betty Ford Clinic has released him yet? What
> about Rick "Smokey" Dunleavy, and Rob " the Anchor" Zallinger?
> Bill "Leadbelly... (please note the correct spelling) Dalton seems to pop on
> to the list 6 subjects at a time. Most likey its a case where he as a guitar
> player is too busy baggin' (and I mean "baggin"... I've been to that part of
> the state) chicks to spend more than one night a week on TT bullshit...
> Chuck "Lumpy Rutherford" Maranto will again grace us with his presence in
> the village. He and Elmo have some seriously funny trophies lined up for the
> Indianapolis Raceway Park weekend, which is only 2 weeks after RA.
> That's all for now....
> Flounder

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