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Re: GT6 Gearbox

Subject: Re: GT6 Gearbox
From: "Chris Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 11:28:47 -0800 " digest #72 Wed Dec 13 02:35:02 MST 1995" (Dec 13, 2:35am)
References: <>
        The problem I have is getting my hand in the space allowed to get to
        refill plug.

Right. The solution here is your friendly X-acto knife. Cut a 1" hole in the
gearbox cover, under the rug, next to the filler plug. Buy a 1" rubber plug
from TRF (p/n 600399). Now all you have to do is pull up the carpet and remove
the plug; put your 8-side 7/16" socket on an extension and reach through the
gearbox cover. Now it's easy.

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