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Russek TR6 book?

Subject: Russek TR6 book?
From: Scott Jensen <>
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 1996 09:48:32 -0500
I was just talking to the fellow who sells used books...he now has 
30-40 of these Peter R D Russek TR5-TR6 Repair guides. Its small (6"*4")
but apparently quite comprehensive. 180 pages, but fits in the glove 

He wants to let the lot go for $5.00 each, if you buy all! I might be 
interested in one, if someone can tell me anything about it as I haven't 
seen it! The price is $15 for single sales.

He is in Oshawa, Ontario.(905)434-6466

So should I pick one up or what?

Again, I have nothing to gain by this sale as I don't even know where 
Oshawa is! :-)

Cap'n Scott

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