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Re: Chatting on the List

To: "Sholtes IV" <>, <Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV>
Subject: Re: Chatting on the List
From: "Winnie Olmer" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 06:54:08 -0500
Cc: <>
Hey Joe.. I tend to agree with Martin. The E-mail which DOES have relevant
content also has plenty of lite hearted social conversation as well. I find
this list invaluable for someone such as myself ( a novice restorer), but I
arrived home from long days at work to scan through 80+ messages last
night. While I enjoy all the info I can get... The "personal" notes just
seem to "get in the way" and quickly go to the trash bin. I on many
occasions send E-mail "Back to author ONLY" when it does not seem
beneficial to the group. I know this small point of view might sound a bit
anal... but 50 to 80 messages a day takes a fair amount of time to work
through in the hopes of finding "content".
Most respectfully yours... Winnie

> From: Sholtes IV <>
> To: Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Chatting on the List
> Date: Thursday, November 21, 1996 10:32 PM
> Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV wrote:
> > 
> > At some personal peril, may I remind all Scions of Triumph that 
> conversations between two subscribers can, and maybe sometimes should,
> occur directly, that is, off the *triumphs* list as a whole?  While I
> always look forward to the next posting, notes that really are just
> private correspondence tend to clutter up the mailbox, I think.
> > 
> > Just an observation, most humbly offered ...
> Martin,
>     Not to chastise you in your humble observation, but more as a
> difference of opinion, I feel compelled to express my disagreement.
> I feel that "chatting" is an important form of social discourse quite
> vital to the well being and general friendly nature of this mailist.
> Without such friendly banter amongst its constituents, "the list" 
> would become a dull, yea even boring communique of question and 
> answer.
>     So I say on with the personal anectdote, the friendly advice,
> the brotherly (no gender intended) advice,  the humor, and yes,
> even a little pointless dialouge (i.e. chat), for we could all use
> a  friendly word or two in these days of overwhelming non-communicat-
> ory cold shouldering.....
>                           Joe Sholtes IV
>                              TR 250
>                        WALLINGFORD, CT. USA

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