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Re: Ramblings...

Subject: Re: Ramblings...
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 18:54:17 -0500
In a message dated 96-11-25 12:40:52 EST,
(Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)) writes:

>Nick in Nor Cal writes: "Some of you may laugh at "California" winters, and 
>I admit its not like Minn, or the like."
>I don't think "laugh" is the proper term.  "Covet" may be a lot closer to 
>the truth.
>Andy L in Minnesota (one below when I drove to work this morning)

Ya, we're suffering here too, don't cha know.  Today it never even got up to
75, and it's supposed to be way down in the 50s later in the week.  In spite
of this, we're looking forward to visiting Minneapolis at Christmas.  Will it
be comforting to have the return ticket safely tucked away in my pocket?  Ya,
you betcha...

Don "already practicing my Norspeak" Marshall
Jacksonville, Fla

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