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Re: TR4A IRS Rear Springs

Subject: Re: TR4A IRS Rear Springs
From: Tom Tweed <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 10:17:03 -0500
Hello Jim, you wrote :

 >Recently, I bought and installed the TRF road spring handling package (heavy
 >duty springs).  Now I seem to have about 5 - 10 degrees of camber (toe in)
                                                             ^^^^^^  ^^^ ^^
These are not the same; the Haynes manual for TR-250/TR-6, which use the
same IRS frame for the early models at least, gives the following:
   Camber angle   1 degree negative, +_ 1/2 degree
   Toe in         0 - 1/16 inch

These are given on the specs page, Chapter 11, Suspension & steering

 >on the rear wheels.  Can't find in the manuals what it should be, but is
 >this excessive?   Question 2 plan on replacing the current 165 width tires

I would say Yes, any positive camber is excessive, after installing 
similar heavy-duty springs on the TR-250 I had 'til recently.
The handling was so bad, it was scary, the rear did not follow the
front of the car on sharp turns, plus the ride resembled that of an
old hay wagon.

 >with 175s will this reduce the camber?
 >Jim Jones
 >Daily Driver

The Haynes manual also gives the free length of the rear spring, 
10.92 inches.  Also the # of working coils, 6 3/4, and rate 349 lb in.

See if yours resemble these specs.  I suspect they do not, and would be
a better fit on a later IRS car, such as a '75 or '76 TR-6.

My own solution was to give the `heavy duty' springs to a friend with
the later TR-6, and get his already-sagged stock springs and install them
on the TR-250.  This worked for me; just a suggestion, no guarantees, as
the rear frame on the 250 had serious-enough rust & bad weld repair prob-
lems that it may not have been a good candidate to compare to.

Best regards,
Tom Tweed
SW Ohio
'72 TRident 750 (basket case)
various TR-6 bits & pieces


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