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Re: Supertrapp vs Monza

To: john donohoe <>
Subject: Re: Supertrapp vs Monza
From: Gregory Petrolati <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:10:18 -0600 (CST)
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, john donohoe wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how a Supertrapp muffler compares to a Monza system
> loudness-wise (on a GT6)?
> tia


        I have used the 25" Supertrapp muffler on my TR4. Apart from 
        sounding a bit like a "basso profundo" popcorn popper, performance 
        wise I rather liked what it did for my TR. You know you can vary 
        the loudness (and back pressure) by adding or removing the plates 
        that come with it (you get 6). The more plates the less back 
        pressure... The louder it gets the fewer the plates, the quieter 
        and the greater tha back pressure (I think I've got it right).

        The only hassle I had with the Supertrapp was drag... I had to be 
        careful where I went, because of my 4's ride height. The muffler
        hanging off the back of the tailpipe would drag going into and out 
        of driveways and parking lots with more than just a gentle incline.
        When I had to replace my header, I went back to the 36" glasspack
        and straight pipe (I couldn't afford the "plates inside" Supertrapp 
        muffler). The `4 is considerably louder now... (sigh).

        Greg Petrolati                         1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
        "That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois

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