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Re: GT6 Shake - Update

To: <>
Subject: Re: GT6 Shake - Update
From: "Paul Coffman" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 11:30:35 -0600charset="iso-8859-1"

Took the wheels off the GT6 over the weekend, good news, the alloys are OK,
either the rear hubs or the axles are causing the whole suspenspion assemble
to wobble.  To test this, I jacked the car up, took the wheels off and ran
the car in gear with the half axles propped up. So I'm going to rebuild the
hubs and see if that helps.  Got the kits on the way.

The Bad news is I think I lost a valve last night.  The engine started
making a high-speed clacking sound at certain rpm, kinda like a stuck valve,
it only got worse as I ran the car.  Then a low thunking noise also started.
So looks like i have a head job coming up.  Good time to upgrade the cam

Cheers, Paul

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