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Re: Wrinkle paint woes...

Subject: Re: Wrinkle paint woes...
From: "Gregory Petrolati" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 05:39:27 PST

>Subject: Wrinkle paint woes...
>Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 21:02:41 EST
>We are having trouble getting the black wrinkle paint to work properly 
on the
>center dash console (TR3). We purchased the paint from Moss. The fellow
>painting the dash console for me has tried three times with poor 
results. The
>paint is far too wrinkled (large scale wrinkles, unlike the original 
>subtle wrinkles). I know it is very temperature sensitive., but he 
swears he
>is following the directions on the can.
>One more question, is it best to remove the gauges, or let sleeping 
dogs lie?
>I don't want to risk breaking the gauge lenses, but perhaps the paint 
>work better if the gauges weren't there to "pool" the paint around 
them. Any

  The same thing happend to me once... I think you may be spraying
  too much paint on the first coat... Though not knowing the brand of
  crackle paint you are using make this though conjecture. I think I
  used VHT brand crackle paint that I picked up at a local Harley
  Davison dealer. I sprayed my entire dashboard. It really looked
  spiffy. Though, in the past 12 years or so it's gotten a bit tatty.

  Yes you ABSOLUTELY MUST remove all the gauges... I'd even remove
  the dash from the car, and lay it horizontal to spray...

  Of course YMMV

  Good Luck,

  Greg Petrolati

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois
1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...

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