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TR3 directional flasher

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: TR3 directional flasher
From: "Sumner Weisman" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 11:33:48 -0400
Cc: "Triumphs" <>
Organization: S. Weisman Associatescharset="Windows-1252"
Thanks to Randall, Fergie, and Fred for  the advice and encouraging words.

Randall, you were close.  I measured the resistance between the dash lamp
and the hot terminals, and noted about 2k ohms.  I then took it apart again
and could see what the problem was.  The leakage was not on the phenolic
base, but the very thin phenolic insulators between the leaves of the
switch.  It's made like a relay, with thin slabs of insulator separating
switch contacts, all riveted together.  I cleaned off some crud, and sprayed
the area with carb cleaner.  Leakage went up to about 25k ohms, and there is
no visible light from the lamp when the directionals are off.

I will eventually order a new Lucas flasher when I order some other items,
but meanwhile I can safely drive the car again.

(Just a thought:  does a Lucas Flasher wear a London Fog raincoat?)

Sumner Weisman

> At VTR, they were giving away some free samples of cleaner/degreaser.
> returning home, I thought I would try some on the Triumph engine and
> compartment, which was a bit cruddy.  Per the instructions, I carefully
> covered the carbs, distributor, coil, etc. with plastic wrap.  I then
> sprayed it on and hosed it off.  Hmmmm... pretty good job.
> Whoops -- there's a problem that wasn't there before.  The directional
> signals are working erratically.  Also, the green directional light
> indicator on the dash is on part way all the time now --  before, it seems
> to me, it was off unless the lights were flashing.  Du-u-h....  I forgot
> cover the flasher module, and water got in.
> Today I took the flasher apart -- not difficult to carefully pry the
> aluminum rim up.  Yup, there was 1/8 inch of wet sludge in there.  Rinsed
> thoroughly, cleaned the mechanism with a little brush, and baked it dry in
> the oven at 200F for 1/2 hour.  I then sprayed it with a little contact
> cleaner and reassembled it.  You can hardly tell it's been opened.
> It now works like new.  There is only one problem.  The green light still
> on at about half brightness all the time.  (It flashes brightly when the
> lights flash, but doesn't go completely out when the directionals are
> I don't ever recall it doing that before.  Any suggestions?
> Sumner Weisman
> 62 TR3B

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