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RE: modern water pump seal assembly?

To: "Triumphs List" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: modern water pump seal assembly?
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 08:48:01 -0800
> The pump shaft was buggered by the engine guy trying to get the
> pulley off, that is why I figured no refund from Cambridge.
> Anyway, I dismantled the pump and found that it had seized because
> the impuller was pushed up into the pump body until it bottomed out.
> Ther is a small circlip on the shaft what is supposed to prevent this
> movement, I think.

Tony, I can't answer your question, but I can report that some pumps lack that
circlip.  Ken Gillanders at BFE told me of this problem ... it's very important
to be sure that no force is put on the pump body while installing the pulley
because the bearings will move on the shaft.  He was getting returns on his
"high tech" water pumps (which might be the same ones supplied by Cambridge) for
leaks, but I suppose your seizure is a more severe form of the same problem.

A new radiator solved all my overheating problems, so Ken's WP is still in my
parts bin, waiting to be installed.


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