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Re: [TR] O/D safety switch

To: Jeff Scarbrough <>
Subject: Re: [TR] O/D safety switch
From: David Porter <>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 16:52:21 -0600
Cc: "Triumphs \(\)" <>
References: <C11A4D073AAF8042BECE2B3D862F4EF820AAB549@MP-DUP-MBX-02.AD.QUEENSU.CA> <> <> <>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0
On 8/31/2014 1:24 PM, David Porter wrote:
> No,
>  this particular installation relies on an external contact by the 
> gear shift lever itself. Not an internal position of the 3rd/4th shift 
> rod. The usual Lucas pressure switch is mounted on the side at the 
> very rearmost part of the extension assembly, not on the top in the 
> more or less center section... this allows only using O/D in 4th 
> gear.. better than nothing I guess..
> Dave
> On 8/31/2014 1:01 PM, Jeff Scarbrough wrote:
>> Not being intimate with the GT6 transmission, but assuming that it
>> works the same as the Spitfire and TR6 gearboxes, the switch should
>> operate via a notch in the shaft, or a notch in the fork.  As I
>> understand it, the switch dropping into the notch locks out the signal
>> to the solenoid.  The OD switch on the column/shift knob remains
>> engaged, and so shifting between gears keeps the OD working except
>> for the brief period when the lever passes through neutral where the
>> switch plunger drops into the notch..
>> So, the position of the switch mounting shouldn't affect whether or
>> not it works in 3rd gear.  I'm guessing you have some other problem,
>> but what it is is still a mystery.
>> Jeff Scarbrough
>> Corrosion Acres, Ga.
>> On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 10:35 AM, David Porter
>> <> wrote:
>>> Listers,
>>>   My recently acquired GT6+ is equipped with an O/D (yea!) but the 
>>> safety
>>> switch mounted at the distal end of the gearbox extension only 
>>> allows for
>>> 4th gear operation. I saw a picture of a safety switch mounted more 
>>> or less
>>> over the forks.. question is/are is this a MK3 improvement or is it a
>>> extension assembly from a TR other car that just happens to 
>>> interchange?
>>> Dave in Abq.
>>> -- 
>>> Dave Porter Porter Custom Bicycles 2909 Arno St. NE Albuquerque, NM 
>>> 87107
>>> 505-352-1378 Go HERE: my world
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Dave Porter Porter Custom Bicycles 2909 Arno St. NE Albuquerque, NM 
87107 505-352-1378 Go HERE: my world

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