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Re: TVR mail lists????

To: <>
Subject: Re: TVR mail lists????
From: "Irvin Bennett" <>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 12:35:10 -0500
Listers and All,
  Rich, thanks for bringing this up, I just learned about the from Bill Sanford a couple of weeks ago.
We would talk directly via email about items posted on "the"
list and neither of us would see what the other was talking about.
Being the rocket scientist that we are, we finally realized there
were 2 different lists!! We discussed doing just what you are
suggesting.  I was getting around to making a similar post.
I had a little difficulty signing up on the team net list but
finally got it.  At the very least everyone should be made aware
of the lists that are out there.
I have been on the Egroups:
   list for about 2 years.  The Egroups currently has 87 members
with a good mix of USA and International users.  I have only
been on team net for about a week but my initial impressions
are more participation on the Egroup list.  It has several nice
features that I have not found on the team net list such as a
2 year message archive (look up that old tech tip you thought
you would never need!)  There is also an area to upload files
that maybe of interest to pictures, logo artwork, tech
tips, etc.
 For what it is worth another list is:
  for those with cars manufactured outside the USA but powered
by American engines.  There are quite a few Griffith owners on
this list and some very knowledgeable owners of some extremely
sweet cars!!! (Panteras, Cobras, & Tigers, oh my!)
The final list:
has over 700 members but mainly focuses on the new  model TVRs
and is pretty much useless to USA TVR owners.  IMHO, I do not
recommend subscribing unless you want to receive 50 messages
a day about who saw whom on what road in the UK....Not much tech
info there for us...I think the British word is "drivel" (apologies
to those offended).
I am also going to copy the TVRCCNA website on this info and
maybe the links can be posted on our website!

  Irv Bennett
  1979 3000S
  1965 Griff 200 (need parts)

"Remember knowledge is power!"

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