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TR4/4A/5/250 Lamp Gaskets

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: TR4/4A/5/250 Lamp Gaskets
From: "Todd Bermudez" <red_tr250@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 22:51:06 -0400

NFI, but I thought I'd pass this along...


I am able to get sets of lamp gaskets for the L669 and L799 lamp units made 
using the orignal LUCAS tooling (so that they fit) and in a modern non 
absorbant foam material (so that it wont rot or hold water making the light 
unit rot!. Im sick of the rubbish thats around as Ive gone through three 
sets in five years so Im going to do it properly and have a batch made.

I have samples already and they fit beautifully, as you would expect, look 
identical to the NOS set that came with a NOS light unit I have  - all in 
stark contrast to the ones available from our well known supplier. Im 
impressed but I cant afford to have them made without selling on a 
significant number to other people.

Anyone interested ? Cost is likely to be around #10 to #12 for two big 
gaskets and 4 small (i.e. one car set - enough for 2 light units), depending 
on quantity that are manufactured.

email me on tony.sheach@virgin.net if you are ....


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