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tr6 manuals on cd-rom

To: "6 Pack (E-mail)" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: tr6 manuals on cd-rom
From: Peter Zaborski <plz@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 11:17:07 -0600
Hi Listers,

A recent scan of ebay listings for TR6 turned up a couple of listings for a
TR6 workshop manual on CD-ROM. For example
3>. Has any one looked at one of these? Which manual is it, Bentley or some
other one? Is it in text format (it claims PDF) or just scanned images of
pages? Very interesting that some one is doing this, I wouldn't have thought
the market for TR6 workshop manuals was large enough to warrant conversion
to digital format...

Peter Zaborski -- CF58310 UO

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