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Re: Roller Rockers & Cast Aluminum Valve Covers/Lengthy!

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Roller Rockers & Cast Aluminum Valve Covers/Lengthy!
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 20:18:21 -0400
This note is for the benefit of updating those who have pre-paid for
products from Creative Engineering & Design, Inc. I have been away from
home, and my computer, for most of the past 6 weeks. I will probably be
in and out during the month of July as well. If at any time you would
like to discuss the status of your order please feel free to call
between 8:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M. I know you guys have put out money for
cool parts for your cars. Your calls are not a bother...as a matter of
fact I welcome them. I don't care if you didn't buy anything from me,
and just want some help figuring out a problem, a phone call is the best
way to reach me.

(727) 733-9974 

My number is also listed on the web-site.


Roller Rockers:

The shop that makes the Roller Rockers has been swamped for the past
several months. They are, for the most part, captive to a company that
builds boat lifts; meaning, that the boat lift company has F.A.P. make
all of their machined parts. Up until recently there was a ban on boat
lift installations for many coastal areas of Florida in an effort to
protect the manatees. Fewer boats being launched from canals was the
idea behind the whole thing. The ban was lifted and the shop is
currently catching up, monetarily, from months of little or no work,
(Dec, Jan, Feb, March). With this economy having put so many small
manufacturers out of business I can not fault them for trying to keep
their primary customer happy.

They were paid to make the Rockers within days of me having received
your checks, and believe me I don't like the fact that they are not
finished any more than those who have been waiting for them. If there
was anything I could do to speed this up, other than calling the shop
several times a week, I would.

The owner of FAP is ethical and not one to take the money and run. It's
just that our Rockers are at the bottom of the totem pole as far as work
scheduling goes. They are nearly finished with the machining of the
Aluminum rocker bodies. I'm hoping that they will put the fixture back
in the mill early next week and wrap it up...I'm hoping. From that point
I will be able to assemble and ship them.  

So far I have only sold 15 sets. As Alan Salvatore put it, "No one wants
to be the first to jump into the water". So many thoughts, So many
theories! As far as I know no one has had any complaints with their
rockers. Although I certainly didn't expect to earn a living making, and
selling, Roller Rockers for Triumphs: I did expect to sell 50 sets or
more based on the positive responses from those who have installed them.
Had this been the case, and FAP had not had the time to make them, I
would have simply bought a used Bridgeport CNC mill for $5,000 and put
it in my garage so that I could make rockers, and other items, on
demand. I personally can't justify that expense for a couple of orders
per month.

Make no mistake, I appreciate every order that I have received! It's
simply the nature of manufacturing that the quantities must support the

Cast Aluminum Valve Covers:

There was a tremendous delay in getting enough orders together for the
first run of valve covers. The pattern is being created; and at this
point, the foundry anticipates a production break mid-August. I will you
keep you all posted.

Best regards,

Jim Swarthout

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