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Re: Electrical problems

Subject: Re: Electrical problems
From: "Christopher Albers" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 17:32:55 -0700 writes:
>The battery was charged but their were problems starting. Slow turning
>and clicking noices. Sometimes it would quickly come to life and idle.
>Upon driving, it would just lose all power and die. Then jump start and
>died during idling. Finally towed it home and set on slow charge and
>sometimes it would fire up and other times not. It is not consistent and
>am wondering if it could be the alternator, voltage regulator, etc.
>Cables are clean and battery has been tested at the shop and was given
>the OK. Any ideas?

I recently had the exact same problem you describe.  It turned out to be a
resistance in the ignition circuit.


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