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Re: My World's Fastest Sunbeam Daily Activity Reports

To: drmayf <>
Subject: Re: My World's Fastest Sunbeam Daily Activity Reports
From: Theo Smit <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 23:24:17 -0600
Hi Mayf,
When I put up a webpage of some thing I've built for the Tiger, it's 
usually for several reasons - to entertain those on the List with my 
Tiger adventures, to show off something that others might be able to do 
for themselves as well, and/or I'm hoping that someone will say "Hey! 
that's a stupid thing to do - try this other way instead". I'm sure that 
some people will have long since tuned out from the stuff I post, but 
for the most part the response has been positive, and in turn I enjoy 
reading about what others are doing especially if it's not on the 
well-trod paths. Keep it up, and best of luck on the salt flats!


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