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Figuring out ProSolo dial-in times

Subject: Figuring out ProSolo dial-in times
From: Darrin Disimo <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 08:45:32 -0400

  I just ran the Petersburg ProSolo and I am trying to figure
out what my times were in the challenge.  Since you run off of 
indexes, I need a little help in figuring out my real time.

This is for the National Series.  I know for the open classes in
the challenge, you take the class winners RAW times and divide
by two to get the dial-in.  What do you do for the ladies classes?
Do the ladies use the mens dial-in time? Or do they use some
calculated time based on the winner in the ladies class?

Thanks for the help.

Darrin DiSimo

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