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Re: SP turbo rules, DG's solution ? (Sorry, this got long)

Subject: Re: SP turbo rules, DG's solution ? (Sorry, this got long)
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 13:26:05 -0400

> I have a big problem with this. On my first gen Talon (TDO5-14B) the waste
> gate solonoid would close and drop boost to 8 psi or so any time it went over
> 12 psi.

Then you had a knock problem. The DSM ECU has NO concept of manifold pressure at
all, only airflow. The ECU does not attempt to manipulate the BCS unless there
is a problem. If you get a tank of bad gas and lots of knock, it flips the
solinoid and reduces the boost to wastegate spring pressure only.

Contact Todd Day ( for confirmation. He reprograms Talon ECUs for
a living.

> If you are making it creep higher with a downpipe
> blocking the waste gate outlet, you are using a very creative CHEAT. The
> stock gate has no trouble keep up UNTIL you do something else to make it get
> over 15 psi in the first place, I run turbos, I know how they work.


1) My downpipe does not block the wastegate opening. In fact, I'm using the
stock O2 sensor housing. The exhaust stream at the downpipe is the same as

2) The 14b, without a cat and with a decent exhaust, creeps at high loads in
high gears, no matter which DSM you have. Ask any of the 3000-odd drag racers
out there. If yours was not, you had a problem with your car. Many of the drag
racers who run 16Gs (same turbine housing with a different compressor) wind up
hogging out the wategate passages and installing a bigger flapper (or just
running an external wastegate) to prevent creep from happening. Check the
archives at for confirmation.

3) ALL of the boost control devices on my car are in stock configuration and are
fully operational. I have done NOTHING to alter the way they function. With all
the scrutiny I get? Are you kidding? How could I do anything else?

> The downpipe withthe restriction
> in front of the waste gate was a BLATANT disregaurd for the spirit of the
> rules, and I believe was the whole reason for this to come up.

IF one were to make a pipe that pinched off or blocked the wategate outlet, I
would agree with you. I do not have, nor have I ever had, nor have I ever SEEN
or HEARD OF such a thing actually existing.

I really do not like being accused of cheating, nor do I like people assuming I
have done something actively nasty like attempt to somehow block off the
wategate outlet. Ordinarily, I'd be very upset over accusations of this nature.
However, it appears in this case that you mistook a failure mode of operation
for a normal condition, and so you are working from bad information. That's

I have indeed seen the "BCS pops at 12-ish PSI" behaviour you describe at the
dragstrip once. It turned out to be bad gas - a can of octane boost tossed into
the tank fixed it. You may well have had a loose or faulty knock sensor on your
car. Again, check the archives at for confirmation.


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