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Re: Adjustable Anti-Roll Bars - One or Both Ends (revisited and

Subject: Re: Adjustable Anti-Roll Bars - One or Both Ends (revisited and
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 18:43:00 EDT writes:

 1. An anti-roll bar is just a linear rate torsion spring.  Only the center
 part of the anti-roll bar transfers the load and it could care less about
 the lengths of each end. The center part of the anti-roll bar sees both bar
 ends as one lever (which is the combined lengths of the two bar ends).
 Each end is totally dependent on the other because you can't disconnect one
 end and have the bar still work on the other. >>

That was the whole basis of my argument regarding moment/torsion and force 
differentials in a sway bar.  I'll agree that the roll differential from side 
to side will be minimal, because the amount of roll in most performance 
oriented sports cars is small to begin with; on the order of ~3 degrees.  
However, the force differential will not be as insignificant for a production 
type vehicle because the magnitude of the forces are significantly greater 
than the magnitude of the roll (considering the weight forces involved with 
the size of the bars and their tire loading contribution relative to the 
overall tire loading force).

As an example, the the differential in the arm lengths of the adj. front bar 
on my Z3 coupe are ~10%.  If you go back to my original moment argument where 
it was proven that the the forces side to side are proportional to the 
differential in the arm lengths, it's then apparent that differential in the 
forces at the arm ends on this particular bar when adjusted to it's opposing 
extremes will also be 10%.  Now if you still want to argue that a 10% 
differential side to side in swaybar tire loading doesn't make a difference 
on the typical production sports car, well I've done and said all I can to 
convince you that the reality is it does make a difference when pushed to the 
limit of adhesion.  There'd be no sense in me carrying this any further.

Again, it is true that the center of the bar carries the brunt of the 
torsional spring rate  and is constant (within reason).  It is also true that 
the end lengths aren't important with regard to the torsion load the bar 
sees, but become important once the constant torsional load forces are 
transferred to the suspension and that the forces transferred to each side 
will not be equal when the end lengths side to side of the bar are not equal, 
as proved by moment argument.  Further, it is also true that the differential 
of the forces applied to the suspension by an unequal arm length swaybar will 
be directly proportional to the differential of the unequal arm lengths.  
Where we disagree is in the perception that the bar sees the arms acting as 
one lever.  It seems to me that your argument is still trying to twist (no 
pun intended) the one lever arm argument into equating the forces side to 
side.  The forces side to side resulting from the torsion being transfered 
through the arms and to the suspension can only be equal when the arm lengths 
are equal.  You can argue against the laws of physics all you want but thems 
the facts, Jack.  Whether or not the resulting differential in forces are 
significant or not will ultimately be dependent upon the resultant magnitude 
in the contributing differential tire loading forces applied by the unequal 
length bar relative to the magnitude of the overall tire loading forces.

The contributory tire loading forces from a small bar+ stiff springs+ light 
vehicle weight (real race car) will be less significant than a thick bar+soft 
springs+heavy vehicle weight (street production car), of course ultimately 
determined by the actual differential in swaybar end lengths.

M Sipe

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