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ProSolo next year?

To: "" <>
Subject: ProSolo next year?
From: Thomas Harrington <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 23:27:17 -0700
I was at one of our local events two weeks ago and one of our local
members who went to a recent roundtable mentioned that there would be NO
ProSolos next year.  He said SCCA decided that it was a failure and was
planning to stop them after this year.

Now I don't know how much, if any truth is in his statement.  I get the
impression that every year a rumor starts that the ProSolos will stop. 
So I'm curious if anyone has heard anything similar? 

Note:  I'm not trying to start, spread or propagate any rumors.  I heard
all this 2nd hand, so who knows what's true anyways. (I guess then this
would be a rumor... ahh you get the idea.)



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