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Re: Yoko A032R's in the wet? (long)

To: Sam Strano <>
Subject: Re: Yoko A032R's in the wet? (long)
From: "Crooke John" <>
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 14:26:05 -0400
Thanks, Sam.

Now that I think about it, it *was* especially bad in the first turn, coming
around the bend, and since all the slaloms were on straightaways or on the
crest of the hill, there was probably less rubber and oil there, and
consequently, more stick.

Things that make you go "hmmm".

I'd like to compare this to a wet day at Fort Meade, just not anytime soon!


Sam Strano wrote:

> John,
> What you experienced was not a tire problem.  It was a surface issue.
> EVERYONE had the same trouble.  Mostly due to the fact the course was
> mostly laid on the line of the track and we had to be on the vast amounts
> of rubber and oil laid there.  There wasn't any standing water, so
> hydroplaning wasn't an issue.  It was just REALLY slick.  I went out once
> to clean some anti-freeze, and it had just started to rain (again).  We
> couldn't even tell where it had been put down, even though we saw the line
> when we arrived at the corner.  It was *that* slippery in the wet.
> Sam Strano

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