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Re: Did You get a hotel for the Peru NT Yet?????

To: Scott Sawyer <>,
Subject: Re: Did You get a hotel for the Peru NT Yet?????
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 18:46:52 -0400
At 06:31 PM 6/5/00 -0400, Scott Sawyer wrote:
>In true Underdog fashion, does anyone know if on- site camping is
>allowed/ possible at Peru? At least three of us will be attending
>(assuming my car is back together and my back doesn't do anything weird
>tomorrow morning after getting rear ended by a 17 year old in a Buick in
>the rain today) and we're pretty cheap :^) Thanks!

I think the following answers your question:

Return-Path: <>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 23:03:14 -0500 
Subject: RV's at Peru/Grissom (All events)

The rental agreements with the ReDevelopment Authority at Grissom
expressly forbids any & all overnight occupancy of GRA or US Gov't
The gate to the autocross site must be closed and locked from sunset to
sunrise, with nobody inside. (Vehicles, trailers & the like can be
there. . . . .)

We usually able to convince the Grissom Air Museum (private property) to
leave their gate open at night, and if you park there you owe the Museum
$5 per night per rig as a donation.

Many of the local property owners (local motels, especially) have little
patience with
RV 'squatters' as they have seen at previous events. . . . .

Questions, please send me a note. . . . .

  Roger (Ohio) Johnson

Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen RF-85 Formula Ford

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