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Re: Electronic Throttle Control

Subject: Re: Electronic Throttle Control
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 15:18:46 PDT
>Just had a thought on a new (and hopefully non-inflammatory) topic.
>Some coworkers and I were discussing today the feel of elctronic
>throttle control versus conventional throttle cable feel, and I was curious 
>how people that autox with them (such as in C5s, '99+ V6 F-cars, I am sure 
>there are others) feel about them.

>Can you tell a difference?

Yes.  At least, I can tell a profound difference between my C5 and other 
cars I've driven.  All C5s have had electronic throttle, so it's kind of 
hard to compare.

>Is it better or worse?

Worse.  The tip-in is very abrupt and hard to control, even when consciously 
trying to anticipate it.

>I know driving them on our roll test machine I can feel a slight lag in 
>response, but loadings and such are different, and I have >never autoxed 
>one.  Does the slight lag make you smoother?

No.  It doesn't really feel like a lag, though that may in fact be what's 
happening.  It feels like you get a slightly different response based on how 
fast you press the pedal, like in a stereo knob where when you spin it 
rapidly you get large jumps, and when you are turn it slowly you get 
double-digit precision.  Note that's an enormous exaggeration of what the 
effect is that I'm describing.  What you notice driving is that the throttle 
response is non-linear and you have to get used to it.  I always assumed it 
wasn't a limitation of the mechanism, but GM dicking around with the 
response map in some way.

Joe Goeke was instructing me at a McKamey school this year, on street tires, 
and he kept saying "easy on the throttle, smooth on the gas".  Then he took 
the car for a couple of runs and I got to say "easy on the throttle, smooth 
on the gas"...

Something I also noticed was that there were SIGNIFICANT increases in engine 
power at exactly 5K and 10K miles, and I wondered if there was a break-in 
program in there somewhere as well.



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