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Worker radios (again)

Subject: Worker radios (again)
From: Craig Blome <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 06:13:29 -0700 (PDT)
Hey all,

Question for the equipment manager types out there:  What kind of two
way radios do you use for corner workers, and how do you handle
licensing issues?  We (Texas Spokes) use Motorola TalkAbout FRS radios,
which are a lot more rugged than the horrible Rat Shack CB's we used to
have, but people are complaining about the sound quality, especially
with the starter radio.  I'm buying a couple of headsets for the
TalkAbouts to try to fight the noise problem, but I need to look at
alternatives in case that doesn't work out.

Anybody have recs for radios that perform well in windy and noisy
environments?  What do you biz radio users do when the FCC comes
looking for you?  :)

Craig Blome


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