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Re: SCCA Taxicab Confessions (was Re: hassled by The Man)

To: "Todd Green" <>, <>
Subject: Re: SCCA Taxicab Confessions (was Re: hassled by The Man)
From: "Dave Kizerian" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 14:24:15 -0600
Is there a way to request taxi drivers?!?!?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Green" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Pat Kelly" <>
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 2:14 PM
Subject: SCCA Taxicab Confessions (was Re: hassled by The Man)

> >Some taxi cab drivers are terrific. Ah, I remember getting a taxi cab
ride in
> A few months ago I had just flown back into town and was getting a taxi
> ride from a guy who looked like he'd be more at home riding broncs than
> driving in a car.  Anyway, I noticed that he was left foot braking and I
> asked the Marlboro Man if he raced cars.  He started to get excited and
> asked me how I knew (duh!).  Turned out that he does circle tracks.
> So we start talking about racing and he just keeps getting wound up more
> and more.  Finally I guess he considered me safe enough to be let in on
> his little secret.  He pulls a jury rigged Playstation from underneath
> the front seat with Gran Turismo loaded on it.  Nice..
> The only problem is that he got so excited that he had driven me about
> 13 blocks north and 5 blocks west of my house before I felt obliged to
> remind him of where my house is located (SLC is on a grid, so it is
> pretty hard to miss 11th E and 11th S ;)
> He felt so bad, that he decided to get me back home at mach 9.  Anyone
> who's familiar with SanFran knows what the "Ave's" are like in SLC, and
> were pulling a Ronin racing down them to get to my house, the whole way
> he's jabbering on about his racing technique etc.  (I still can't get
> the pro rodeo image out of my mind and am just waiting for the spurs to
> come flying out of the front seat along with the Playstation.)
> Definitely one of my more interesting cab rides,
> Todd

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