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re : Smaller front bar for an SE-R?

Subject: re : Smaller front bar for an SE-R?
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 22:21:14 EDT
"Moore, John" <> asked :

>>  Does anyone out there know of a SMALLER that stock front anti-sway
bar for a 91 Sentra SE-R? I want to experiment with running a smaller front
bar since all indications are that it will help remove some of the pushing
problems I have been having. The car runs in STS and it already has a
Suspension Techniques Rear bar and a Shocktech Bilstein coil over setup. I
have thought about decreasing the front spring rates, but I am not sure that
would help and would probably lead to hitting the bump stops quicker since
the car has a relatively short suspension travel before it was lowered. I
have also thought about increasing the rear spring rates, but  the car is
also a daily driver and feels very firm, but not uncomfortable now and is
very controlled on the usual bumpy surfaces that many autocrosses are on.
    One thing that leads me to think that a smaller front bar is in
order is that I can see in pictures from several events (Especially the ones
my wife took at the Peru NT) that the car is starting to lift the inside
FRONT wheel from mid corner to corner exit. Thank God for the Viscous limted
slip or I wouldn't be getting any power down?
    Any thoughts? Or am I way off base in my thinking? >>

If you have an SE-R and the front is picking up, you really need to
increase the rear roll stiffness. An SE-R front bar is not that stiff, 
mine leans way too much, I couldn't see loosening it.

My guess is the rear ST bar is not stiff enough. Also rear springs
may be too soft but in my experience the bars make a lot more
difference that the springs in balance and roll.

Regards, mike piera  '93 SE-R '72 911S  '73 911RS

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