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SCCA HQ, more followup to Rocky

To: autox <>
Subject: SCCA HQ, more followup to Rocky
From: "K.C. Babb" <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 21:40:32 -0400
Rocky said:

>Throttle back, people.  Notions to move the SCCA headquarters are, at the
>moment, pipe dreams in the minds of a couple of CVBs and a director or
>Could it happen?  Yes.  Will it happen in the near future?  Not even

I must love bugging people, because I've bugged John Martinsen (my Area
Director) a lot.  He says there's no effort to keep this stuff secret, so
fully I won't get stir-fried for passing along some of the info he has
At least I'll have someone to share the blame with :-)

Rocky, you need to ask more questions.  A memo was sent to the Staff, to
Pro Racing, and CC'd to the Directors (which is why John had it), from 
President Steve Johnson, which makes reference to collecting data for a 
_couple_more_weeks_, and then issuing a recommendation.  That 
sounds like a little more than pipe dreams.  It also says that there 
are no firm plans to move, and that the office is not out soliciting bids 
(I can understand that--they probably don't want dozens of towns 
sending piles of proposals).  But if they do move, it would happen 
around next May.  Some of that sounds scary, some of it sounds good.  
Some of it corroborates what we've heard from elsewhere.
Yes, the BOD has the final authority.  But given that in many eyes Steve  
basically walks on water, do a lot of people think that if he endorses a 
recommendation, they'll turn it down?  Heck, he's been doing a 
terrific job, why question him now?  

So I have more questions.  If they're not soliciting bids, why are two of
the three they are looking at from SEDiv?  Why not Texas?  Why not
Missouri (Kansas City is kind of nice)?  What's the deal with SEDiv
having this inside track (pun intended)?  

Ya know, if they're going to do stuff like this, which might result in a
big turnover on the Staff and people we depend on going away, it
would be nice if they'd let us know.  Heck, even that paragon of
deception, Boeing, was up-front about their intentions to move and 
the locations which were being considered (and if they told _me_
to go to Chicago, I'd be seeking alternate employment :-)

This probably only matters to those of you who are SCCA members
and are National-event inclined.  If you are, it wouldn't hurt to know 
who your Director is, in case you want to express an opinion.  Mine
already has the had great misfortune of hearing from me...

Karen Babb

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