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Re: [evolution-disc.] The Announcement Last Tuesday

To: "Teamdotnet (E-mail)" <>,
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] The Announcement Last Tuesday
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 09:43:12 -0500
James Rogerson wrote:

> I was in grid
> (B) for the second heat and had three people come up with
"breaking" news
> that was so contradictory that I was beginning to wonder if the
whole thing
> was some kind of sick hoax.

A lot of that contradictory information was being broadcast on
various radio networks.

> From it wasn't airliners it was helicopters,
> no it was a small plane, etc.

Within a few minutes of my wife's call giving me the news (about
8:05 Tuesday morning), I heard all of the above on various radio
stations as I was trying to find out what happened. There was
also information to the effect that there was a fire on the Mall
in DC.

> Rumour is never the best source of information and the area
> was filled with it.

I agree, but a number of the false rumours were coming directly
from the broadcast media. In retrospect, it seems remarkable to
me that accurate information began to come through as quickly as
it did. I also agree that Matt's making the earliest possible
announcement with as much information as possible was the only
course of action that made any sense.


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