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Re: Brain Exercise

To: Dave Kizerian <>,
Subject: Re: Brain Exercise
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 19:21:23 -0500
Matt Murray

Copyright 2001, Matthew D. Murray.  Permission to reproduce these
on the list explicitly granted.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Kizerian" <>
> Does someone have the original "Brain exercise" email?

Pat Wasburn wrote:
O.K., here's a something I've been thinking of.  I want opinions
on it.  (I
know...I'm asking for it!)  It's just an exercise...just floating
idea....don't want to change the world....don't want to make it a
thing....doesn't threaten autocrossing as we know get
the idea.

Rally Style Autocrossing.  Speedvision flooded my brain with
those fantastic
WRC images all weekend, and I thought the format sounded like
fun.  Here's
the basics:

A course is devised so that it can be changed into several
easily.  A well thought out course design would have short and
long options,
one might favor high horsepower cars while another configuration
might favor
Miata's.  Let's call these "stages".  Maybe you simply cut out a
slalom, or
divert the course to an additional straight, or reverse
direction,... use
your imagination.  Course maps are given out at
registration...drivers are
responsible for looking at all configurations.  Course marking
would have to
be well done to make it easy to follow.

Each driver gets one turn at the first stage.  Switch the course
(it should
only be a 10 or 15 minute thing) and drivers get a crack at
"Stage 2".
Continue for as many stages as you think you can do in a day.
All times
count, and are accumilated as in Pro Rallying.  Cones are 2
seconds, off
courses are 5 seconds for re-entry at the same point on course,
10 seconds
if you do not re-enter at the same spot.  Classes can be run as
Lowest accumulative time wins.  Sound fun?

Before anyone says it, I will agree that this would not be
something to
spring on a big group of novices, this would be more of a "Pro"
kind of
thing.  Course walking and memorization are key skills here.
With only one
shot at each stage, quick reactions and looking ahead are greatly
Co-driver/navigators could perhaps be permitted just like in
Rally.  Most
drivers would need to back it down to 7/10ths in order to assure
getting a
clean run.  An adequate site is the other need a
little room
to do some creative things.  It would tend to equalize carts
up the type of courses to balance things.

Anyway, what thinks

Patrick Washburn
C-Tech Trailer Cabinets
Designed for the Racer
Wausau, WI

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