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Re: First Autocross Advice Needed

To: "Jeffrey Macko" <>, <>
Subject: Re: First Autocross Advice Needed
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 14:29:30 -0600
Larry gave you your tire answer, I'll take a shot at the helmet question.
(I've also been doing this insanity for 30+ years)

First off -- if the question is more immediate, like which loaner to pick
up, pick up the open-face for now. You are in a closed car and that means
virtually no wind going past your helmet. There is a strong tendency to fog
up a full-face helmet unless it's been treated with anti-fog or has good
ventilation to it.

Now, for the longer-term question on the assumption you are wondering what
to buy. Of course it has to be a Snell-2000 helmet unless you are buying a
used one. Then it at least has to be a Snell 1990 and 1995 is better. The
deal with the Snell ratings is that in Solo II they are good for 15 years. A
Snell-1990 helmet will be no good in 2006. Buying new, you aren't going to
find anything on the shelves or in the catalogues now that is not a
2000-spec. For  Solo II either an M-spec or an SA-spec is okay. M is
motorcycle, SA is "special applications" which means road racing. Used to be
they were very different but any more the primary difference is the SA
helmets are Nomex lined (fire-resistant fabric) required for racing.

But that helmet will last you many years, so look into your crystal ball. Do
you ever expect to try track events? Road Racing? Maybe you want an SA
helmet, then. There's another consideration. For road racing the Snell
standard lasts only 10 years, so that Snell 2000 helmet is good to 2015 in
solo but only 2010 in road racing. If you think you might go road racing
someday, but it will likely be at least three years in the future, maybe an
M-2000 for now and pick up that SA-2005 later.

Okay, back to your original question, closed or open? Again, look into that
crystal ball. If all you expect to drive are either closed cars like your
Bimmer, or open cars with full windshields as in Stock and Street/SP
classes, then still that open-face helmet would do the job. They are
generally cheaper too. Get an optional snap-on visor, or  goggles, for that
occasion when you might find yourself with a chance to drive an open car
(rules require eye protection). Even for solo, some extra eye protection is
not a bad idea. If you don't wear glasses, a simple pair of safety glasses
or sunglasses will do nicely.

If you are in an open car without a windshield -- Prepared-class roadsters,
many Modifieds, karts, etc. -- then you definitely want a full-face helmet.
Full-face helmets are prone to fogging, but most made these days have vents
that, once you begin to move air past the helmet, will keep them fog-free.
If you wear glasses as I do it is doubly bad (glasses fog too). Which is
why, when I have occasion to drive a car with a windshield (whether or not
it has a top) I go with my visor up.

--Rocky Entriken

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Macko" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:45 PM
Subject: First Autocross Advice Needed

> I've been reading up on the Autocross information on the net.  Next
> I'll be giving it a shot with my '02 BMW 330i. (As my '69 Pontiac won't
> tech.)
> I wanted to get some advice from the list on three items:
> -          It's a Non-Sport Package car, with 205 50/17's all around.
> Stock tire pressure is 38F 45R full load, five people and some luggage.
> 38R with four passengers.  Anyone got an idea what pressure I should start
> with for autocross.  (Does the 40F 40R guideline apply?)
> -          Class DS-N right?  2002 rules / classes now in effect?
> <>
> -          Helmet Open face?  Closed Face?
> And yes my shocks are stock :-)
> Thx!
> --Jeffrey
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