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Call for Registration Workers / Gate Waiver Offering

Subject: Call for Registration Workers / Gate Waiver Offering
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 16:57:31 EDT
Ok, our resident Hot Shoe Reg. Chief is off reving up Corvettes so I'm 
opening registration this Sunday.  Need a few people to help out at the 
desk till 12 noon (in usual shift increments).  Let me know if interested.

Hopefully this is a pretty well attended event, so I'm offering out to anyone 
interested, first-come, first-served, the very easy Gate Waiver job in 1/2 hr 
shifts (and this satisfies your work assignment !)  Anyone willing to work 
more is welcome of course, but I know it's a bit of a lonely job, boring, kinda 
like selling vacumns in the desert.  So, shifts start at around 7am, and go 
all day (though the morning hrs are more hectic).  Thanks for the time & tell 
your friends !

Don Lew
Reg. Sub

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