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To: alliant!british-cars@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Subject: Re: MGA or MGBGT
From: mit-eddie!gatech!iuvax!mtqub!jeb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (James Beckman +1 201 957 3896)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 90 10:54:39 -0500
As far as desirability as a collector car, a convertible is almost
always a better value.  But if what you want is value appreciation,
it depends on where the two cars are starting from.  It doesn't
seem like the MGA prices have escalated too badly yet, so I would
go with the A just on fun value.  [Except in the unlikely event
that you find one of those funny V-shaped engines with all the
spark plug wires under the BGT bonnet.]

Jim Beckman  AT&T BTL, Middletown, NJ   att!mtqub!jeb

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