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Re: Stripping, Herald, Conversions

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Stripping, Herald, Conversions
From: mit-eddie!tcgould.TN.CORNELL.EDU!garnett@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Roger Garnett)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 90 08:51:52 EST
Mike W. sez:
>            As part of my self-imposed purgatory and MGB renovation, I need to
>       completely redo the paint on the '77 B. 
>       What is the best way to clean the surface of rust and old paint---

Depends on how far you're going, and how much time vs $$$ you have.
-Sanding, with a power sander, or an air sander can do part of the job.
-A wire brush on a small grinder is good for loose lust and stuff.
-the grinding wheel will do a good job on real rust.
-A metal shears and welder repairs *real* rust.
-Liquid or Gel paint stripper can do a nice job of removing vast amounts of
 paint. (as well as bondo). Use proper chemical precautions.
A combination of the above does very nicely.

>From Steve Cox:        
>       I was wondering if there are many Herald or Vitesse owners on the
>       other side of the pond

Not too many British sedans were imported to the US. There were more in Canada
tho. There are a couple of Herald Convertibles around Ithaca, regardless.

>From Me to Timothy Lyle Smith 
        >Thanks Tim, but I think it would be pretty hard to mount the spare tire
        >on a steering wheel. Besides, the wheels are 4-bolt. :-) :-) :-) :-) 

PS.  Good to be back.  :-)
And from Scott T. (welcome back)        
>       Well, I wasn't going to bring this up until Fall, but since Roger
>       mentions it, has anyone else attempted this conversion?  I've managed
>       to get the spare tire mounted on the steering column, but now I can't
>       see out the front windshield and I can't reach the turn stalk. 

        Well, I have found a wheel locally ($20!), and started the conversion.
Seeing it's for a GT, we've decided to make do without the tire, just use
the wheel. I'm making an adapter plate at the machine shop this afternoon,
to go from 3 to 4 hole mounting. The hardest part will be modifying the
horn assembly.  ;-)

>On another note, my clutch seems to be stuck and I'm thinking about 
>mounting a triple SU setup in place of the stock single Z-S.  
                                        -- Scott Turner
        Have you thought about using a spare exaust manifold (stock, 3 branch),
mounted upside-down? Should work quite nicely, and it's OEM.
  /___  _  \        Roger Garnett           (garnett@tcgould.TN.CORNELL.EDU)
 /|   ||  \ \       Agricultural Economics   | The All New: 
| |___||  _  |      3 Warren Hall            | South Lansing Centre For
| | \  |   | |      Cornell University       | Wayward Sports Cars
 \|  \ |__/ /       Ithaca, N.Y. 14853       | (607) 533-7735
  \________/        (607) 255-2522           | SAFETY FAST!

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