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re: TR6 rear end "CLUNK"

To: "bellcore!EDDIE.MIT.EDU!alliant!british-cars"
Subject: re: TR6 rear end "CLUNK"
From: mit-eddie!!taichi!whs70@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: 19 Apr 1990 20:10 EDT
>One other (of many) nagging problem is a "CLUNK" in the rear end upon
>acceleration and changing gears.  I suspect it is either in the U-joints
>in the rear axle or somewhere in the diff., more likely the former.  Any
>hints on checking this out and repairing it?
>                                       Jeff Lo
You're on the right track, but also pay particular
attention to the differential mountings.  IRS TR series
cars are notorious for breaking the rear mounts, but this often
is preceeded by the 'clunking' you describe due to worn
out differential shock mounts.

Bill Sohl

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