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In heaven, everything is fine

To: (Nark Mason)
Subject: In heaven, everything is fine
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 91 17:02:57 PST
>Y'know, I've always wondered why I often see ads like "Lancia Beta -
>Leather seats, good running cond, a little rust - $300". I never
>investigated just because they're so cheap... I found out how much
>trouble you can get into with a $500 british car, I guess a $300 italian
>car is almost twice as much trouble.

I'm about to embark on the best of both worlds: a British car with
an Italian exhaust system on it. :-)  And I've commented lately that
if you have to drive and eat, it's better to drive a British car to
eat Italian food than to drive an Italian car to eat British food.

Which, of course, brings up the Official Joke of 1992:

In Heaven, 

  the cooks are French,
  the lovers are Italian,
  the police are British,
  the mechanics are German,
  and it's all organized by the Swiss.

In Hell,

  the police are German,
  the cooks are British,
  the mechanics are French,
  the lovers are Swiss,
  and it's all organized by the Italians.

--Scott "Some of my best friends are Alfisti" Fisher

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