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CLANK XV- It just won't le

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: CLANK XV- It just won't le
From: Jerry Kaidor <>
Date: 16 Apr 92 09:13:38
   CLANK XV:  It just won't let go....

   ...Of my pocketbook.  Every time I think I've spent the last cent on this
car it demands a little more. This time it's the disk brake caliper pistons. 
Just a little teeny bit corroded through the chrome plating on the side.  ARGH!

    There's a kid across the street who works as a mechanic for the local Grand
Auto store.  I took the pistons to him, and he sez: "Sure, you can use those. 
They're not too bad."  Then I took them to my friend the longtime britcar
mechanic.  He took one look and sez "No way can you use those, Jerry.  Take
your life in your hands."  He turned the piston around and looked carefully at
the sealing surface.  "Chuckle".  "Nope, you can't use that."

   Moral of the tale:  Don't have your brakes done at the Grand Auto.

            - Jerry

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